Mentally Strong Students

I recently came across a CNBC article titled: “A psychotherapist says parents who raise confident, mentally strong kids always do these 3 things when praising their children” written by Jessica VanderWier, a psychotherapist who works with families and children. It’s short, but full of incredible advice on how to help kids be confident. The article […]

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To Write Is Right: A Follow-Up

In the beginning of this school year, I wrote a post called: In Math Class: To Write is Right.  It discusses some thoughts on how we use writing to express ourselves, and how we use the written word in today’s world.  I also promised to follow-up with some strategies that I have tried, and want to […]

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In Math Class: To Write is Right

“A picture says a thousand words” is a well-known statement and for the most part, true. Pictures can be interpreted in many ways.  Emojis, bitmojis, gifs, memes, snaps – they are all digital, pictorial expressions.  They are pictures that represent, or “say,” words. So, if our world is saturated with pictures, then where are all […]

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Don’t Steal The Struggle

I came across an interesting article from entitled: “8 Ways Teachers Can Talk Less And Get Kids Talking More.”  It discusses various tips and techniques teachers can use in order to talk less in their classrooms, hopefully freeing up time for students to do more talking and reflecting. The first tip is particularly striking. […]

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